Monday, September 3, 2007

Kill Tits Chapter 1

The comittee members meeting of Lord Marshall School of the Gifted and The Most tense and full of disappointment.
The Leader of the Teeth Evil surrounded with the Two Leaders from Academia and their Serpents and Guards.

It all started on Thursday when The Two Leaders and the other two guards went to the Other World to negotiate and propose the never ending exhibits of Spells and Curses.

Then came afternoon, The Leader of the Teeth Evil fumed and rampaged the other world as she was disappointed and anger of the exhibits.

"This is how you work?!!!" she said, "This is not my idea and this is all Academia fault! It has nothing to do with me!"

She humiliated the subjects of Lord Marshall in front of publics not to be known from the Other World.

Post Mortem came on Monday on the diappointment of the exhibits. The Two Leaders and with the vice-captains of the Two Leaders voiced out their disappointment and blamed to the Leader of the Teeth Evil.

The Serpents and The Guards kept silence and witnessed the never ending argument. Shaky, tears and scream all came at the same time.

When are these going to an end? How are we going to solve these? Who's to blame? And Who's to believe?

Everyone blame each other as it was confirmed that The Teeth Evil to blame.
Intense and fearful made the environment more terrifying as both perfect creatures showed their bold and strong powers.
Who was the winner? Nobody knew, not even the Serpents and Guards gave any comment.

The Teeth Evil kept on mumbling defending her fault, though she knew it was truly hers.
The Two Leaders silent as there's no other way in attacking and pointing anymore.

It ended with no result of both ways on solving them.
And hope it won't continue to the next day with sour faces and hatred.

Let it be the way it used to we promised to be happy and environmental friendly.

This boy again!!! Damn you!!! Get your own blog la!!!

1 comment:

Dreamweaver said...

For it was revealed unto us, the Guardians of The Jedi Temple, by the Force Foresight of the venerable Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, by her grace, she revealed that the ailment suffered by the Teeth Evil of Lord Marshall School of the Gifted and the Most is one not to be underestiamated. Such ailment, according to her grace, is the result of lack of faith in the healing arts of Lord of Dentics. Furthermore, her grace revealed to us that the lack of faith in vigilant use of Pasta Magika of Colgata, may indeed induce the severity of the Teeth Evil bad odor.