Day 3:
We decided to go to the beach and relaxing the whole day looking at people.
When we almost reached to our destination, we were greeted by two Indonesian guys.
They gave us this card for us to open and look for the puzzle.
To cut short, I had 3 t-shirts and B got 3 stars.
The guy was so happy, he said B won US$ 1000 for this.
I was very happy, I can get half from it.
But.......there's a catch.
In order to receive the prize, we have to go to the hotel mentioned and we must be living together for at least 2 years.
And, the guy insisted for us to be living together. We are gay couple!
For two and a half years!
And so we went to the hotel.
We waited for the manager...alaaa...WTF!
They actually asked us to be their premium member which cost of US$10 000 for 26 years.
I can't afford it, we can't afford it. So we left with empty handed.
Decided not to be fooled again...for days we ignoring people approaching us. keke
And now I forgot what did we do for these two days.
We had dinner date at Cafe Warisan.
Spend almost one morning at Jalan Seminyak and Oberoi.
B said this looks at one part in Sydney and he got overheated and couldn't continue anymore.
I was excited already by the walking but couldn't leave B all exhausted so we headed to Matahari Mall for lunch.
The Dinner at Cafe Warisan caused a few trouble to B by me.
We've been in silent treatment for almost two days and it ain't no good.
Next episode:
Pictures of my Bali trip.
I am too lazy to type anymore...