I browsed to my old blog at friendster and found this. I miss this blog and this post and I want to share this post to you guys so we can share the old Ning's Fantasy blog.
"These few months I have received lots of alert from friends and colleagues on they updating their blogs. I have said goodbye to my blog months ago as few reasons made me to. And among the reasons are:
• I have no further information about kueh- kueh melayu Brunei as the person who borrowed it has returned the book to the National Library.
• Miss Sandy, Baby and Barbie have quit their midnight job. When I ask why, they didn’t want to tell me but I’ve found out it has something to do with Barbie difficulty to enter her body during the day. (Must be the salt thing)
• The riddle given by my source (nasal throat) has been discontinued as the taxi driver and the Most of the Most have agreed to go to Hollywood to further their acting career.
• Extraordinary words have been disappearing slowly and slowly. As far as I can remember the last word is PANCU…
Then come along blog alert form Kori, Redz, Mr.Ady, Neemolicious…then there’s Life of a Sutra, Memoirs of a Poklen, Kurapak Blog and OMG blog…interestingly enough … I WANT MY BLOG TOO!!!
Months ah many beautiful things happen and I need to blog them all!!
• My trip to Saudi Arabia, the Star Bucks Coffee and Carpets and Rugs only Jims know hee hee (I want to blog but no information)
• One of my very closest friends moved in into a new house…nice and cozy (I want to blog too but too many to blog)
• One of my closest friends moved out from my house (I want to blog this but too lazy to type)
• My return to the gym bring competition to myself (I want to blog to laser those self-claimed popular glamour fag! Not worth of my time!)
• When Suze offered me to this person and then she said “inda payah eh! Kau inda pandai mengurat yoy! Everytime, I have to cover for you in terms of mengurat thing” What!
• Charcoal Dinner an experienced cannot be forgotten but then I almost forgot what happen the next day.
• Spiderman 3 where a very closest friend next to me felt humiliated and embarrassed watching it….it is Chicago + Dreamgirls combined.
• The 12:45 ritual at the school with my 2 colleagues…I need to introduce them to the whole world!!
Now Ning is back! And back some more!! By the Power of Man and Now I command…Strike a Pose!!"