Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Confession on the Dance Floor no. 877

Dear Diary;

I had a talk with my friend, Redz, and asked if I have multiple personality. I keep on experiencing some events that I don't even remember at all.
I may be Madamme Sasha the brown pashmina, an idiotic version of Oprah who claimed to be a successful talk show host.
I may like Jessica, the strongest twin sister of Nikki from Heroes. She's good. I want her!
I may be the slutty Kayoy who kept on calling everyone for sex. I like!

The events were;

1) I keep on receiving phone call and text messages from my new phone numbers saying I gave my number to them at the chat room. I don't chat but I don't remember this as well.

2) I was told that I was using this someone's laptop whom I never met. The proof was my e-mail when typed was there. When was this? I fear it's recent.

3) Redz told me once I may here with him but actually I was somewhere else flirting to someone. This may be true because recently on Monday afternoon when I was taking my nap, he texted me about food and I did reply but I didn't remember what it was until I met him.
He complaint about my text which kind of demanding. I didn't remember about the text since I replied when I was half awake.

So dear diary;

If this is true, I need someone to tell me that I really have multiple personality because it seemed to be true. I feel wiped out every night, I don't remember sometimes of what I did and when I woke up I was on my bed with dizziness and body aching ( haiya! this is the scene from Heroes la!).

I need medication!

Good night Diary..... ZZzzzZZZZZ

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