Friday, August 24, 2007

Coffee Zone

Met my two drinking buddies and the coffee zone when I heard that Jazzy is breaking up with his girlfriend.
I said WHAT?
His girlfriend is my very closest friend too, only she's been busy with her new job so we hardly meet.

Then I saw Ady Cat from Meow City we took that picture for fun...
We ended up chatting and looking at hot looking creatures...
The good looking couple in front of us...the girl wearing very sexy red shoes..

Jazzy was still busy with his laptop and cousins from Seria...

Then off to buy nasi katok at 11:30 at night...

When off and saw My Aedy still wake up and chatted with us...
He told us he's on stand-by on Thursday and confident he won't get any call..and he's right..good!

Oppss I forgot this is suppossed to be The Cat talking Mink!
Where is he anyway?
Oh! Busy with Chantelle..

We'll see him soon...adios

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