Friday, August 17, 2007

Two Missed Call(s)

Mr.Bunny received one missed call at night while having a birthday celebration for his charmed friend.

He asked his friends whose number it was but nobody knew the number. So he just ignored it.

When home and texting the Bunny Owner about something, then received another missed call from the same number.

Mr. Bunny texted the number, "Hello, sapa ni?"

The number replied and said, "ko cjkh? Aq ni c rick ama ko chat td... O aq salah no. x..Soe a f aq kaco, mana ko msane, rumah dhkah, tnx."

blurred on what in the world he's texting about...No choice have to reply..
"Rick? Yang mana satu? Salah orang kali..I don't do chatting dear" eseh!

Then he replied, "O, tp ko bukan c cj or des yang poliskah..Mm kna jualtia number mu ani, soe a."

Replied back, "Nope not me...its ok...biasa tu number kana jual..."

Answer the following questions:

1) Who are Cj and Des from Poliskah?

2) How in the world does Rick know this number?

3) ko cjkh? Aq ni c rick ama ko chat td... O aq salah no. x..Soe a f aq kaco, mana ko msane, rumah dhkah, tnx." The sentence is too confusing and "cheap", can any of you translate the sentence into a more understanding and reasonable sentence?

4) If you knew someone selling your number to unknown person, no matter how good looking they are, what would you do?

Please do let me kill this person who sell my number...please...

Buduh banar orang atu!!
Adakah aku c cj or des from polis...Mesti NAHU tu!!!


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