Sunday, August 5, 2007

KG. Ayer

This is what is left at my old house in Kampong Ayer...

I didn't remember at all that the bakut at the back of our house was now non-existant.
All the houses in my kampong now all gone and only left the concrete jamban. All the houses left the jamban only!!

Dropping by to reminisce the memory lane...

Good bye!


Gksutra said...
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Gksutra said...

nah tekenang tah ko apa ko buat d jamban waktu atu hehe ..

but y they left d building with jamban saja ?

KaYoY said...

Must be the jamban saja yang made of concrete so difficult to demolish want..besides the rest of the building, apart from jamban, in Kg. Ayer are made of wood...imagine having something special in one of the room that are not soundproof...